Friday, January 23, 2009

Jaliba Kuyateh - more details

While visiting in Brikama with Ebrima Sarr, my host, he took me to Jaliba's compound. We were met there by the drummer, Baba. Baba said that Jaliba's group would be practicing at four and that we should come back at 3:30. He also said that any musicians who were late to practice had to pay a fine.
We returned at 3:30 and had the pleasure of watching jeli children playing the instruments while the crew set up. I'll soon add photos if I can figure out how to do it. It was amazing how there were babies under a year who kept wanting to drum. Their mom's would take them to the three sabar and they would beat them with a stick. (Those drums are often played with one hand and one stick.)At least two of Jaliba's sons played the kora and sang. I had the pleasure of playing the balafon for a bit. Not West African tunes, just a couple originals.
Time passed and finally at five fifteen, Jaliba showed up! Guess the fine doesn't apply to him. He did go eat before he joined practice! The rehearsal reminded me of a few I've heard at home - Jeliba telling people how he'd like them to change what they were playing. Everyone was pleasant, no cross words, just men working together on four songs.
After hearing them, I see why people here consider Jaliba the top performer. He playes while he sings and dances and he is active in social causes.


Jane said...

Hope...You are right...about the young children desiring to play drums so early in life... awesome

Unknown said...

Where is Jaliba Kuyateh now? Word had it that President Jammeh wanted his tongue. Jammeh completely suppresses the freedom of speech, which really adversely affects griots and other musicians. Read this article on how Jammeh is/was after Jaliba:
Does anyone know where Jaliba is now? Is he safe? I met him in The Gambia a few years ago. I've been worried about him since he first ran afoul of Jammeh in 2007. Any word on his safety would be much appreciated. Thanks.